Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CM Punk(ed) By The WWE

I remember a couple of years ago, more like four or five years, when I heard on the radio, when Usher was interviewed and said that he "didn't like the way music was sounding these days." Usher's response was a Ricky Rubio clone known as Justin Bieber. Sadly, this is how I feel with the WWE creative staff these days.

It is a bit odd to start off a wrestling column with an Usher reference, but that's how I'm feeling these days when it comes to the WWE. Everything has gotten stale and the WWE claims that there isn't enough talent to keep things interesting.

That's the word I would use to describe the current state of WWE programming: interesting. Not because I'm interested in what they're throwing out there, but interested in how bad they're screwing up. The latest example of the WWE screwups is in the handling of CM Punk.

Last night on Raw, Punk won a number one contenders match to fight John Cena for the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank. In my opinion, this is a great booking for several reasons, but the biggest reason is the PPV is being held in Chicago, hometown of CM Punk. This will make Cena the de facto heel come PPV time, and in my opinion is that Cena is at his best when he's hated by the majority of the crowd. (Look at his feud with The Rock from earlier this year and more specifically, his One Night Stand match with Rob Van Dam a couple years ago. It's a Cena you'll enjoy watching as he taunts the hell out of the crowd.)

I'm getting a bit off topic, but it's a great booking...if CM Punk wasn't leaving the company. About that...it's not a bit. CM Punk's contract actually ends on July 27th and he's actually leaving the WWE after that. It's possible that CM Punk just wants to take the route that Chris Jericho has taken (He's currently on a sabbatical touring with Fozzy and participating on Dancing With The Stars) by simply taking time off and re-signing with the WWE when he wants to come back. But is it that simple? Consider this...

- While younger stars have been getting pushed with little to none mic or wrestling skills, Punk, probably the best WRESTLER on the roster has been buried in pointless storylines, most recently taking over the Nexus, when they already had a very capable leader in Wade Barrett.

- To add to that point, Punk has gone a staggering 2-19 in his last 21 PPV matches (He beat Rey Mysterio at Capitol Punishment Saturday). Yes, the matches are rigged, but one of the most talented wrestlers in the company can't even get a title shot here and there? Punk hasn't had a World Title Opportunity since Hell In A Cell 2009.

- Punk also disagrees with the WWE's label of "superstars". He believes that wrestling is an artform rather than entertainment. You can hear it in his promotional interviews that he always says superstars in a mocking tone as if he doesn't agree. It's interesting because he may be the best wrestler in terms of working the mic as well, but still, disagreements with management may be enough to tell the WWE to screw off.

- Another sticking point has been Punk's name. This could be labeled as the "Dudley Boyz" clause. Vince McMahon wants to own the rights to superstars names so that they can't use them anywhere else. So that's why the Dudleys, after leaving the company, were called "Team 3D" in TNA and Mr. Kennedy is now Mr. Anderson. Punk saw this and basically said "I AM CM PUNK, DAMMIT!" This is another key reason why Punk wants to leave.

After all of this, Punk is still getting his long awaited championship match against John Cena. So that begs the question: Is the WWE trying to convince Punk to stay by giving him a championship match in his hometown? Or is the WWE going to make it tough for Punk to leave by booking him as the champion as his contract expires?

From a booking standpoint, the WWE can't lose CM Punk. If they do, who steps up and becomes their top heel in the company? The Miz? Mark Henry??? R-Truth??? Yikes.

I agree that the WWE needs to thrust some fresh faces into the spotlight, but cutting one of their best guys is not the way to make room for the younger up-and-comers.

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